Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hagrid dies...

Though our Hagrid died April 13th, 2007, my heart still aches.

Leonard Paul, my friend and partner in my book Long Powwow Nights, did this beautiful painting of Hagrid. As wolf does for all who arrive at heaven's door, he announces Hagrid's arrival in the spirit world. As we are all greeted by someone special, Hagrid is being welcomed by a Buffalo Dancer. The Buffalo dancer reaches out inviting Hagrid to stay. I cannot imagine a more perfect testimony to the most wonderful dog ever.

Another friend, Ghost Dancer Jim Poitras, reminded me that it might take a year or for Hagrid to find his place in the spirit world. Through loving memories, we have to allow our big boy the time he needs. We were blessed to have had this spectacular Irish Wolfhound as our companion and friend. There will never be another Hagrid...nor would I want there to be.

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