Come on 2023 - Let's get it on
Covid - mass killings - wars that never seem to end..these are all that must and that can be overcome.I have high hopes for this new year. This is a recent photo that Vicki took while we waited for our John Smith's bitter on tap at the Irish Times here in Victoria. Here I am doing my best to be chill.
It would be easy and natural to focus on the dark side of our world; political, educational and personal. I think I was a more positive and upbeat child than most I knew but time has done to me what it does to so many - it teaches us to be cynical and critical. So it is that I have this itch that wants to be scratched.
However, focussing on the dark side only feeds the dark and does not lead to enlightenement of any sort - thus...
Here we go...chill and upside - and ready to take on 2023!
When Covid first hit, like everyone else, I was caught off guard. Over the past 20 years, I had traveled a million miles and spoken to a million people. That was as things were and, I thought, would always be. Then came Covid.Then came two years without stepping on a single plane. Two years without living in hotels and eating their food. Two years without speaking at schools and conferences which I had done for the no less than 20 years.
But change forces growth and often for the better. Zoom! Teams! Meet...and any number of other platforms that allowed me to share learnings and ideas with students, educators and parents.Online and direct from my shack (showing here), I have presented to individual classrooms, groups of students in a larger formats, entire schools either in one central location or in their individual classrooms.
I have now begun doing in person events and found that I have missed eye to eye contact. I doubt that I will ever do the kind of touring that I once did but I am ready to re-embark into a world I know and love, one that I thought gone forever.
I have been back on planes. I have been back in classrooms and I have presented at public events.with others in a similar situation. Truth and Reconciliation has a long way to go but how can we not see what has already taken place. Land Recognition. Recognition of the thousands of children killed and abused in residential schools. Efforts being made in schools and public ventures to become involved, no matter how small a part that might play, in reconciliation.
I was thrilled to be a part of a tremendous event at Calgary's Heritage Park where everyone involved with this beautiful facility gathered to learn and to honour every child.
Look forward to reading more Blog Posts love your life !