Sunday, June 21, 2020

E-Learning - full steam ahead

I am learning as I am teaching.

There are several platforms currently being used as online tools and more are certain to appear in the near future. I have been working through Zoom, Meet and Team. In the past, I have presented through Skype.

The pandemic struck and we are all trying to do our share at making the world a better place. I wear a mask. I practice social distancing. I am making an effort at lessening my carbon footprint on the environment by staying and sharing from home.

In the past few weeks,web presentations have proven effective.

1. I have worked with an entire community; students, staff and parents. Feedback..."Amazing as always. So passionate. Very well received. Have tweeted it out. Let's chat again next school year. Meegwetch."  

2. I have worked with individual classrooms in both English et en francais. 

Students seem to be enlightened to see my workplace, my shack. I have been sharing my flutes and stories that relate to some of the artifacts that I have picked up over many years. 
And I have, of course, been reading from my books. In many ways, being here at home is allowing me a more personal and inspirational message be it about mental health, individual gifts, the need for and the pleasure in reading and of course, Indigenous traditions and values.     

3. Professional development. I have worked with teachers who are seeking support in teaching Indigenous content. My passion remains reading so I rarely, if ever, speak to professional groups without touching on literacy/reading. Feedback...

"I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have had you connect with our staff. I had been reflecting on why I reached out to you, and how I felt that you would be the perfect fit on our journey as educators to better understand how to weave Indigenous ways of knowing and learning with our focus on recognising strengths, unique gifts and talents and knowing your values. I listened and acknowledged the 'signs' that this was the right path....and it was!

The presentation was informal, organic and you were able to showcase your gifts as 'storyteller' while providing our teachers with excellent examples and knowledge. 
I hope we are able to continue our work together, I am excited about future connections with staff AND our students and families!

Again, thank you for today, for your stories, for sharing and building our confidence!"

Teachers, administrators and parents, go here for my webinar fees. If you have questions, email or call my agent Chris Patrick at 866 786 4237.


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