For one who makes his life writing, it's back to what I do. I dream and share my dreams through stories.
For an author as prolific as I am, my past year was relatively quiet. It's time to rev things up a little.
Here is a look at what I have on the go.

Izzy's Best Day - has been published by Rubicon ( as one in their Boldprint series. My Granddaughter Izzy is of Indigenous and Caribbean bloodlines. She is a little girl typical of so many Canadians. In this, Izzy's teacher tries to have the class see what a diverse group of children they are. What comes out in this, of course, is that we are all related. We are all part of one family.
I was fortunate enough to have worked with Scott Brown on an earlier book so was thrilled when Rubicon asked him illustrate Izzy's Best Day.
The second book that should hit the bookshelves this fall is being published by Vidacom Publishing ( out of Winnipeg.

I have spent much time in the North and have heard hints as to the source of the Aurora Borealis. I finally wrote this story.
As is the case in most of my books, I sought out the perfect artist with whom to collaborate on this. Jasyn Lucas (, an amazing Cree artist from Thompson, Manitoba, will take our readers exactly where I hoped he would.
One of my best selling books is the Seven Sacred Teachings. There are many reasons for this, however one that is key to its success is that Canada is looking for ways to successfully implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Reconciliation necessitates trust and trust can only be achieved over time. Canadians have to prove themselves. They have to work to understand what makes Indigenous people who they are. Our book the Seven Sacred Teachings speaks to the spirituality of Indigenous people. It does not talk about religion but rather the understanding that we are all part of one family. We all come from Mother Earth. When we die, we all go back to her. We must respect and protect our Mother and the best way to do this is to Learn from the Sun.
Kristy Cameron was my partner in both the Seven Sacred Teachings and DreamCatcher and the Seven Deceivers. Kristy is again here in this beautiful children's book.
Fitzhenry and Whiteside ( is publishing a special book I wrote after spending most of last winter in the arctic. In the spirit of our Toronto Raptors motto, We the North...the book is called They the North.
In this, I share what I have learned from my time in the North. I am speaking to the large majority of Canadians who have never been to the Arctic over which the Canadian government governs. How do they live? What do they eat? What are their challenges and their successes.
My partner is Ippiksaut Friesen (, a tremendously talent Inuit artist from Iqaluit. Our release date is spring 2020.