Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spring has arrived

Spring has arrived ...and I'm still headed to Nain.

I have been on the road more this winter than any year since I began touring 16 years ago.

Yes, my girls and I did the Salon du Livre again in Paris (our 12th consecutive year). I had been touring heavily prior to Paris and things didn't slow down when we got home. My calendar tells the story as does the smile on my face. I have travelled tens of thousands of miles and made thousands of new friends.

The month of May will be more of the same...planes, hotels and new friends. I am stoked.

The only glitch in my winter was my trip to Nain. I was snowed out. Normally, I'm snowed in but in this case, I wasn't able to get into Labrador. I flew to Toronto and as I was about to board for Halifax, was told that snow storms would not permit my getting in. We re-scheduled my tour for the beginning of May. I will soon be posting pictures and stories from the beautiful communities of Nain and Hopedale.

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