Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Almost October and where have I been???

Vicki, Victoria and I spent the summer moving - making our new home perfect. And it IS perfect. Vicki's office is...I'll have to post a picture. My shack (the more fortunate would refer to my space as a Man Cave...but I'm not hip enough and just too Prairie) is the place writers dream of.

The house is a MacLure Classic Heritage masterpiece and we are blessed to own live in it for whatever time we are alloted. The pets are happy. Vicki and Victoria are happy. I'm ecstatic.

And as we dot the i's and cross the t's, I am back on the road. Chatham. North York. Swam River (Swan Valley School Division). An amazing two weeks. Home for three sleeps then...Flin Flon/Creighton, Scarborough, North York... I am blessed to work with some out Canada's most outstanding educators. I am thrilled to be able to get to parents with the importance of my message/life's learnings. I am honoured to be
able to work with our future/our youth.

And as an aside, Dreamcatcher and the Seven Deceivers has arrived. The sequel to The Seven Sacred Teachings is as appealing and as useful to educators and Aboriginal leaders. If you've not seen it, please check it out on my site.

Enough. Good luck to all...have a great fall...Christmas will soon be upon us!